3 MONTHS • lift head when held at your shoulder • lift head and chest when lying on his stomach • turn head from side to side when lying on his stomach • follow a moving object or person with his eyes • often hold hands open or loosely fisted • grasp rattle when given to her • wiggle and kick with arms and legs
6 MONTHS • holding their heads up when being held in a sitting position • rolls • rushing themselves up onto their arms when on belly • pivot body when on belly • sit momentarily when leaning • hold head steady when sitting with your help • reach for and grasp objects play with his toes • help hold the bottle during feeding • explore by mouthing and banging objects • move toys from one hand to another • shake a rattle • pull up to a sitting position on her own if you grasp her hands • sit with only a little support • sit in a high chair • bounce when held in a standing position
1 YEAR • sit without support • crawl • walk while holding something for support (a hand or toy) • imitate you as you roll a ball • pull to stand and cruise around furniture • stand for a few seconds • drink from a cup with help • feed herself finger food like raisins or bread crumbs • grasp small objects by using her thumb and index or forefinger • use his first finger to poke or point • put small blocks in and take them out of a container • knock two blocks together • cooperate with dressing by offering a foot or an • pick things up with pincer grasp (thumb and one finger) • transfer objects from one hand to the other • release objects (purposefully) • put objects into and take objects out of containers with large openings • hold a spoon
18 MONTHS • like to pull, push, and dump things • pull off hat and socks • turn pages in a book • stack 2 blocks • carry a stuffed animal or doll • scribble with crayons • walk without help • run stiffly, with eyes on the ground
2 YEARS • brush teeth with help • kick a ball • stack 4 to 6 blocks • four rings on a stick • place five pegs in a pegboard • scribble • turn knobs • throw a small ball • paint with whole arm movement, shifting hands, making strokes • begin to use scissors and string beads • open doors using knobs
3 YEARS • run forward well • jump in place with two feet together • stand on one foot (with some support) • walk on tiptoe • kick a ball forward • stand on one foot for up to 5 seconds • catch large ball • climb and walk up stairs alternating feet • string four large beads • turn single pages • snip with scissors • hold crayons with thumb and finger (not fist) • use one hand consistently in most activities • copy circular, vertical, and horizontal lines when drawing • roll, pound, squeeze, and pull playdough • build tower of up to 9 blocks • string smaller inch beads • cut along a line • use a fork • manage large buttons
4 YEARS • brush own teeth • run around obstacles • walk on a line • balance on one foot for five to ten seconds • hop on one foot • push, pull and steer wheeled toys • ride a tricycle • use a slide independently • jump over object and land on both feet together • throw a ball overhead • catch a bouncing ball • hold a pencil with appropriate grasp • dress self
5 YEARS • walk backwards toe-heal • jump forward 10 times without falling • walk up and down stairs independently, alternating feet • make a somersault • cut on a line continuously • copy a cross • copy a square • write some letters
What is School Readiness?
Couurtesy Heidi Bezuidenhout Educational Pshychologist 082 922 5090
In South Africa, by law, children have to go to Grade 1 the year in which they turn seven. It is also......
Crèche syndrome (CS)
This is not a condition you will read about in medical textbooks or medical research magazines and literature. Yet CS is probably the most common chronic condition seen by......
Why is reading (aloud) important?
Raising a confident reader is altogether a responsibility and a necessary experience you can give to your child. It is important to note that not all children......
The Importance of Early Childhood Education
The experts’ message is clear — children who attend preschool are more prepared for kindergarten (Grade R) than those who don’t.
The importance......
Autism Month (April 2022) celebrates life from a different perspective
World Autism Awareness Month is celebrated worldwide, in April by individuals and organisations alike. The entire month is......