Kieliekrankie Kleuterskool is oop Maandag tot Vrydag van 7:00vm tot 6:00nm
Ouderdomme is 18 maande tot 5 jaar
Kieliekrankie Kleuterskool is ‘n Afrikaanse, voldag kleuterskool in Table View.
Alle klasse word in Afrikaans aangebied om aan u kind die beste kans te gee op begrip van vakmateriaal. Leerders bou hier aan 'n goeie selfbeeld, selfvertroue en positiewe gesindheid in 'n ontspanne omgewing.
Die opvoedkundige program wat gevolg word (GROW LEARNING) is gebaseer op die Nasionale Kurrikulum wat tans in skole gebruik word. Taal- en wiskundige ontwikkeling, perseptuele vaardighede asook groot-en fynmotoriese ontwikkeling is van die aspekte wat aandag geniet in die dagprogram.
Daar is ‘n verskeidenheid buitemuurse aktiwiteite wat by die skool aangebied word.
Ontbyt, middagete en twee verversings word daagliks voorsien.
Kieliekrankie is oop gedurende skoolvakansies, behalwe Desember wanneer ons vir 3 weke sluit.
By Kieliekrankie Kleuterskool word die kleuter se behoeftes eerste geplaas. Ons glo daarin om ‘n ontspanne, liefdevolle atmosfeer te skep waarin die kleuter vry en gemaklik kan voel om te eksploreer en te ontdek. Ons kleuters is ons eerste prioriteit en ons streef daarna om kleuters sowel as ouers ten alle tye gelukkig te hou! Christelike waardes is vir ons baie belangrik en word deurlopend geïntegreer.
Kontak ons gerus vir enige verdere inligting!
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About us
In the heart of Blaauwberg, is a home away from home. Blaauwberg Rise Academy, is a unique and wonderful EduCare andAfterCare school catering for children from 24 months to 5 years. Small classes not more than 15 kids, offering personalised interaction. Excellent teachers and assistants that will assist each child develop to their fullest potential, in a nurturing environment. Varied, fun, educational and stimulating curriculum.
Open from 06h30 to 18h00. Our curriculum runs through public school holidays. Scrumptious, balanced meals are provided daily. A warm, loving and stimulating environment, offering a Holistic approach. We focus on all aspects of your child's development; social, emotional, intellectual and physical. Placing focus on each child's individuality and enhancing their self esteem.
Come see, what sets us apart from all the rest! "We teach children to love, by loving them first." Blaauwberg Rise Academy... allows your child to blossom!
ALL FULL DAY MONTHLY toddlers will receive 3 extra-mural activities inclusive of monthly fees
Academy Activities and Curriculum
Bi-Annual Progress Reports, Parent Evenings, Weekly Themes, Year End Concerts, School Photographs, Bakers Day every Friday, Puppet Shows, Raffles, School Fete's.
Perception, Discrimination, Visual Motor Co-Ordination, Memory
Vocabulary, Comprehension, Speech
Drawing age appropriately (people), Recognising and Identifying Body Parts, Dominance
Perception, Discrimination, Memory, Sequencing
Pencil Grip, Cutting, Colouring in, Eye-Hand Co-Ordination
Ball Skills, Balancing, Games, Hopping, Skipping, Galloping, Obstacles
Number Concept, Counting, Learning to write Numbers, Number Recognition
Separation from Parents, Leadership, Confidence, Behavioural Norms
Adaption to Rules & Routines, Social Interaction, Physical Education
Contact Us
Call us on 021 556 0931
Email us here
View our Facebook page
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